About Us
Hi! I’m a mom who homeschooled my son, creating years of supplemental hands-on lessons to increase engagement with, and now share that experience with others as SPONGYKIDS!
When my son was in preschool his curiosity blossomed into a wide range topics I couldn't find age appropriate material for, so to help answer his questions I began creating activities that could answer them while fostering those interests. I was amazed at how effective the hands-on activities were with absorbing information like a sponge! With his passion to learn on fire, I felt lucky to witness those moments.
Once kindergarten started, he faced a sharp decline in his love of learning which was very sad to see, and so I ultimately decided to focus on homeschooling him, creating hands-on learning exercises each day like we'd done before as a supplement to the foundation curriculum. I was so happy to see my son re-engaged, absorbing lessons, and enjoying learning again year after year to set him up so strongly for middle school!
However, planning all of those activities and materials for each subject every day was such an overwhelming amount of work! When we finished, I had a library of original material I'd invested a lot of time into developing for him but wasn't sure what to do with. Realizing the resource I wish had existed when I began did exist now because I created it, inspired me to refine and share it with others! We wish all families and kids good luck on their learning adventure!