Color the ABC Gumballs

Language Arts - Kindergarten

Color the ABC Gumballs_SPONGYKIDS

Color the ABC Gumballs


Practice understanding of the order and shape of the alphabet by coloring the gumballs in alphabetical order.

Activity Prep

  • Download & print the PDF below (Uppercase, Lowercase, and Blank)

  • Coloring tools (Dot markers, crayons, colored pencils, markers, etc)

How to Use: Alphabetical Order

  1. Download and print the PDF.

  2. Color each gumball from A to Z in alphabetical order.

  3. Singing along to ABC songs while you work can be fun!

    *Additionally, a blank version is available for custom use.

How to Use: Random Order

  • Have fun coloring each gumball when the teacher (or the reader) calls out a letter randomly!

How to Use: Personalizing

  • You can personalize the letters using the blank sheet. If a student has difficulty recognizing specific letters, you can use this sheet to concentrate solely on those letters.

Common Core

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.1.A (Print many upper and lowercase letters.)

Click the link below to filter for the same category.


How to Write Your ABCs (A to J)


ABC Connect the Dots