ABC Touching Card Game
Language Arts - Kindergarten
ABC Touching Card Game
The game will help students recognize the shapes of the letters while having fun.
Activity Prep
ABC cards from the previous exercise “ABC Matching Game”. You can Download & print the PDF below.
How to Play
Number of Players:
Reader: 1
Players: 2-4
*What if the student is alone?* They can still enjoy this game by taking on the challenge themselves and testing their speed as they race against the clock using a sand timer or stopwatch.
Separate the cards into uppercase and lowercase.
Players choose their set - uppercase or lowercase.
The reader keeps the other.
Players spread their cards face up.
1. The reader draws a card from the deck and reads.
2. Players then race to find the matching card!
3. Keep playing until all the cards are gone.
4. The player with the most cards wins!
Common Core
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.1.A (Print many upper and lowercase letters.)
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