Tracing ABCs Game
Language Arts - Kindergarten
Tracing ABCs Game
This game is for practice writing both uppercase and lowercase letters. Following the lines on the paper is a great way to see the proper placement when writing lowercase letters.
Activity Prep
Download & print the PDF below (3 versions are available. Choose the one that matches the players' skill levels)
Writing tools (Pencils, markers, colored pencils, etc)
One die 🎲
How to Play
Number of Players:
2 players (If one student is alone, the teacher can join in.)
Download and print the PDF that matches each player's skill level. (3 versions available)
Each player gets a tracing sheet and a writing tool.
Decide who goes first.
The first player rolls a die 🎲 and trace the same number of letters.
Circle the last letter as a checkpoint.
Take turns. Keep playing!
The first player to trace the letter "Z" wins!
The other player finishes tracing the letters.
Common Core
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.1.A (Print many upper and lowercase letters.)
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