4. Ending Consonant Sounds
Language Arts - Kindergarten
Ending Consonant Sounds
We will introduce consonant sounds at the end of words. Recognizing the sounds of ending letters helps students read and spell words more accurately.
Activity Prep
Download & print the PDF below (1 set for each student)
Writing tools (pencils, colored pencils, markers, etc)
How to Use
1. The teacher makes the consonant sound.
2. Repeat after the teacher.
3. Trace the letter and read the word.
4. Fill in the blank and read the word, then move to the next letter.
Dear Teachers
Question: Why are the letters j, q, v, h, and y not included?
We do not include the ending consonant sounds for "j," "q," and "v" because there are very few common words containing these sounds that are suitable for kindergarten students. The "h" sound will be introduced later alongside the "ch" and "sh" sounds. Regarding the letter "y," when it appears at the end of a word, it typically functions as a vowel sound. Therefore, we have decided not to include "y" in this exercise. For example, in words like "candy," "dry," "lady," and "my," the "y" produces a vowel sound.
Question: Why are there not more varieties of spellings for "s"?
The ending sound of "s" can be paired with various sounds created by combinations of other consonants. For this exercise, we have included the most common combinations.
Common Core
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.2.C (Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes).)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.2.D (Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.)
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