3. Beginning Consonant Sounds
Language Arts - Kindergarten
Beginning Consonant Sounds
Words are like a bunch of blocks. When students are familiar with the sound of each letter, it becomes easier for them to read new words. This exercise aims to introduce and share many words, each beginning with a shared consonant sound.
Activity Prep
Download & print the PDF below (A set for each student)
Writing tools (pencils, colored pencils, markers, etc)
How to Use
Download and print the PDF. Each student will get one set
Step 1: The teacher makes the consonant sound in the gray box and reads the word. Repeat after the teacher.
Step 2: Circle the image that matches what the teacher reads.
Step 3: Fill in the blanks with the same consonant letters, then read aloud.
Learn one consonant at a time and adjust to the students' pace.
Common Core
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.2.C (Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes).)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.2.D (Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.)
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