1. Vowels and Consonant

Language Arts - Kindergarten

Vowels and Consonants_SPONGYKIDS

Vowels and Consonant


In this exercise, we will introduce the letters known as "vowels" and the other letters referred to as "consonants."

Activity Prep

  • Download & print the PDF below (If you'd like to show it on the screen, that sounds great, too.)

Dear Teachers

  • Please review the anchor chart with the students and assist them in reading.

  • Since it can be overwhelming to remember all the consonants, let's focus on the vowels first.

  • Together, let's read "a, e, i, o, u" out loud. Additionally, asking students about the vowels in their first or last names could be a fun activity!

Common Core

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.2.C (Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes).)

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.2.D (Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.)

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2. Sorting Vowels and Consonants


4. Ending Consonant Sounds