Making Papel Picado with Kids

Learning About Cultures From Around The World! We watched the movie, 'Coco.' It was a lovely and heartwarming story with great songs. We got inspired by the film, and we picked Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) for the class we learn about cultures and traditions in the world. We enjoyed watching videos,... Continue Reading →

How to Make Bath Bombs with Kids

DIY bath bomb at home! My son loves to take a bath, especially soaking himself in the fizzy bathtub with a bath bomb. (I do too!) Fancy little guy! I found this excellent YouTube tutorial, and we tried! What We Used We watched this YouTube video. There were many bath bomb recipes and DIY videos... Continue Reading →

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs: Experiment with Kids

How long does it take to get your perfect boiled egg? How do you like your egg? My son loves hardboiled eggs for his snacks. I like smooth, softer yolk, and my son loves super hardboiled well-done yolk. How long should we boil then? Let's try this experiment and find out how many minutes we... Continue Reading →

Table Setting and Manners for Kids

Introducing how to set the table and eat properly We played with food toys all the time back then, and I wanted to try something new. We used real utensils and tried a formal table setting like a fancy restaurant or party. I didn't even know how to set the table right, so we learned... Continue Reading →

Indoor Garden Ideas for Kids: Mung Bean Sprouts

Enjoy seeing how the seeds sprouting! We grew mung bean sprouts for the first time. Crunchy and refreshing, I love to cook them in soup or ramen! I did research the youtube tutorial videos first and seems like a straightforward process. I didn't want to buy extra stuff for this project, so I upcycled the... Continue Reading →

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