Op Art Drawing with Kid

Fun Drawing with Optical Illusion When I researched the art project for my son's art class, one art term caught my eye. It was "Op Art." What is that? I was looking at the website of Tate Britain (art museum) in London. They explain like below. Op art is short for 'optical art'. The word... Continue Reading →

Pollination Activity for Kids

Hands-on Activity to Learn about Pollination After learning about flower parts, we learned about pollination. My son is afraid of bees since he was stung by wasps when he was younger. He doesn't want to be close to any bees. So I made a cut-out bee and experimented with how pollination occurs. What We Used... Continue Reading →

Teaching Counting Money to Younger Kids

Learning How to Count Money with Playing Game I had a challenging time teaching how to count money when my son was in 2nd grade. He recognized each coin, but it was challenging for him to count if many coins were mixed. I wondered how I learned how to count money when I was his... Continue Reading →

Flower Dissection: Learning Parts of a Flower with kids

Identifying the parts of flowers We tried flower dissection when my son was in 2nd grade. He learned about the parts of flowers such as roots, stems, leaves, petals, stamen, pollen, and pistil. What We Used 3 different types of flowers (We used Azalea, Black-eyed Susan, and the flower we don't know the name!)TweezersPaper towels... Continue Reading →

Easy DIY Elephant Gerald Costume

Inspired by Elephant and Piggie Book Series When my son used to go to school, he came home and told me that his school would have a school event. I don't remember many details, but the event was a celebration of books and reading. Also, it was for encouraging students to discover the joy of... Continue Reading →

3D Drawing Practice

Practice how to draw buildings in 3D My son loved to draw many characters from Minecraft. Back then, he found that sometimes it was challenging for him to draw them in 3D. One day, I was looking for something fun for our art class project, then I ran into this excellent website with a great... Continue Reading →

Learning Adaptations with Kids: Peppered Moth

Peppered Moth and Natural Selection While learning about adaptation, we picked peppered moth evolution as an easy-to-understand example for my 2nd-grade son. What We Used These videos: "Story Time: A Very Special Moth" and "Living Things Change."Search images, print, and cut them out Light-colored peppered mothDark-colored peppered mothSearch images and print out2 same images of... Continue Reading →

Landforms: Cut-out Art for Kids

Collage cut-out landforms on the paper We started learning about the landform when my son was in 2nd grade, and it was not easy for us to understand. It might be easier to memorize them all. However, we have never been to most of them, and it was tough for us to picture them. So... Continue Reading →

Pretend Play Restaurant with Real Food

Learning about ordering foods and how to pay We enjoyed this activity while the pre-school was on summer break. If your kids don't want to eat some lunch because they want to play more and hard to stop, this idea might help. How we did I named my imagination restaurant "Hop and Pop Cafe." (As... Continue Reading →

Evaporating Salt from Saltwater

How to separate salt from water While we were learning about evaporation, we found some experiment ideas about separating salt from water. What We Used 1 tbsp Salt and 1/4 cup of Water (Mix them until the salt dissolved completely)Gravels (Optional)Aluminum baking tray (Any tray is OK but avoid white color. It will be hard... Continue Reading →

Design Your Own Clothes with Paper

From casual clothes to superhero suits We enjoyed this activity for our art class. We used some origami papers and some buttons for decorations. I asked him, "If you were a fashion designer, and you can make your own clothes, what would you make?" He picked the color he likes to wear, made the shape,... Continue Reading →

Sumerian Writing and Cuneiform with Kids

The System of Writing Developed in Ancient Mesopotamia  For the history class, we did many hands-on activities. We used this book for the history class. "The Usborne Encyclopedia of World History." I think there is an updated version out there now. This book introduces world history from prehistoric times to the start of the 21st... Continue Reading →

Adjectives for Kids: Fun Activity Part 2

Adjectives and Nouns Combinations Through searching on Pinterest, I found the excellent adjective anchor chart on this website. I researched so many charts, but I liked this one the most. It is very colorful, fun, and also effortless to understand.  March Mishmash! (A Cupcake for The Teacher) We got inspiration from this anchor chart, and we played this... Continue Reading →

Surprise Egg Youtube: Pretend Play Ideas

Make your surprise Eggs without buying Do you know, "surprise eggs?" Have you ever watched the youtube channel that keeps opening surprise eggs with fun music or soothing voice? First, let me explain about those surprise egg videos. These videos are for the little kids' viewers, and what they show is ripping the wrapper, open... Continue Reading →

Orchestra Conductor: Pretend Play Idea for Kids

What Does a Conductor Do? I am NOT familiar with orchestras, instruments, symphonies…anything about classical music. But! My son LOVED Beethoven's Symphony No.9. Notably, the second movement, "Molto vivace." He only wanted to listen to the Molto vivace part over and over again! https://youtu.be/w0QSeOrAvA8 Gustavo Dudamel - Beethoven's 9th Symphony Movement 2 with Simón Bolívar... Continue Reading →

Blow Art Paint Fun Art Activity for Kids

Blowing paint with a straw! I researched art activity for my son and found many people tried "Blow Art" with kids. We had all materials at home, and it was effortless and fun to follow the instructions. It gets messy, so if you don't want your kids' clothing to get a painting stain, I recommend... Continue Reading →

Marshmallow Engineering for Kids

STEM Hands-on Learning with Marshmallows https://youtu.be/y6FmrOS72EA How to Demonstrate Engineering Principles | Science Projects We got some mini marshmallows for hot chocolate. We got some extras left, so we tried this Hands-On Engineering activity. My son was in first grade back then, and he got very frustrated with the structure was too waggly and not... Continue Reading →

LEGO Activities: Balance Scale

LEGO Balance Scale STEM Project  When my son was 4 years old, it was a BIG Lego phase for him. He was so into looking at the Lego building app and followed the instruction to building what he wanted. We made a LEGO balance scale and weighed candies. It was fun, and it turned out... Continue Reading →

Color mixing Activity for Preschoolers

Mixing color water together! We had fun with color mixing with Play-Doh when my son was in preschool. We also enjoyed this activity by mixing color water. I made the primary color and some other color water for him. We had a "chemistry cocktail mixologist set" we have never used, so I put those color water in... Continue Reading →

Color mixing Activity for Kids

Primary colors, Black and White Paints We had fun with color mixing with Play-Doh when my son was in preschool. We enjoyed this activity by mixing paints. We used primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) and black and white paints to make grey or add some shades. What We Used Paint (We used tempera paints) Red, Blue,... Continue Reading →

Adjectives for Kids: Character Drawing

Adjectives and Noun Character Drawing When we were learning adjectives, we had so much fun with many activities. Here is project part 2! We made 20 adjective cards and 10 noun cards, put them in separate jars, and randomly picked them. (2 adjectives and 1 noun combo) Then, my son drew the "Adjectives and noun"... Continue Reading →

Conifer Trees: Science Activity with Kids

Evergreen trees that have cones! We were learning about the conifer tree. What is conifer? Are they all evergreen trees? I looked up the dictionary. It says, "Any of an order (Coniferales) of mostly evergreen trees and shrubs. Usually having needle-shaped or scalelike leaves and including forms with true cones and others with an arillate... Continue Reading →

Art Activity with Kids: Button Tree

Button art and craft ideas for kids Here is a boredom buster idea for preschoolers. We had so many old buttons in a container, so we tried new art and craft activities. Decorate a bare tree with a bunch of buttons! What We Used *CAUTION: Buttons are choking hazards, so this activity is NOT for... Continue Reading →

Lego Volcano: Introducing Chemical Reaction

Baking soda and vinegar! Classic combo! Photo by Dimitry B on Unsplash Here is the classic chemical reaction activity many kids love! We put the small container in the center of the Lego volcano for adding baking soda and vinegar. We looked up volcano images on the internet and observed which Lego color we should... Continue Reading →

Strawberry DNA Extraction Activity

DNA from smashed strawberries? What? My son and I were reading the Biology book called 'Biology: Life as We Know It!', and there was a page explaining about DNA. He was interested in what DNA is, and he was making some DNA shape LEGO. I was not familiar with anything about DNA, but I started... Continue Reading →

Music with Kids Idea: Jal Tarang

Unique percussion instrument in India Have you ever heard of the instrument called Jal Tarang? I have never heard of them until we visited our local symphony orchestras' music event. They introduced them briefly as a part of the percussion family. There are many bowls tuned with water. It was an awe-inspiring, beautiful sound for... Continue Reading →

Art Activity with Kids: Head Collage & Drawing

What is inside your kids' head? I found a fun kids art activity called "Head Collage" from the website education.com. Their project uses cut-out pictures from magazines etc., but we didn't have any magazines or catalog at home. None! We modified the instruction, and we drew the items on the construction paper and cut them... Continue Reading →

Animal Habitats For Kids – Freshwater Habitat

What animals live in the freshwater habitat? After we learned about ocean habitat, we moved on to learning freshwater habitat. My son asked, "What is freshwater?" The water you are drinking is freshwater. According to the resource video we watched, freshwater is found in lakes, rivers, ponds, wetlands, and streams. Water does not contain a... Continue Reading →

Animal Habitats For Kids – Ocean Habitat

What animals live in the ocean habitat? Introducing water habitat to my six years old son was a little bit tricky. First, I needed to teach him what is the difference between saltwater and freshwater. He also didn't know the difference between which animals live in the ocean or fresh water, so we needed to... Continue Reading →

Adjectives for Kids: Fun Activity Part1

Matching adjectives and pictures When we were learning adjectives, we had so much fun with many activities. My son learned many words from his reading back then, but he didn't know what adjectives were. We watched the Schoolhouse Rock video first to understand the concept. He loved the song, and we watched it over and... Continue Reading →

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