Pollination Activity for Kids

Hands-on Activity to Learn about Pollination After learning about flower parts, we learned about pollination. My son is afraid of bees since he was stung by wasps when he was younger. He doesn't want to be close to any bees. So I made a cut-out bee and experimented with how pollination occurs. What We Used... Continue Reading →

Flower Dissection: Learning Parts of a Flower with kids

Identifying the parts of flowers We tried flower dissection when my son was in 2nd grade. He learned about the parts of flowers such as roots, stems, leaves, petals, stamen, pollen, and pistil. What We Used 3 different types of flowers (We used Azalea, Black-eyed Susan, and the flower we don't know the name!)TweezersPaper towels... Continue Reading →

Learning Adaptations with Kids: Peppered Moth

Peppered Moth and Natural Selection While learning about adaptation, we picked peppered moth evolution as an easy-to-understand example for my 2nd-grade son. What We Used These videos: "Story Time: A Very Special Moth" and "Living Things Change."Search images, print, and cut them out Light-colored peppered mothDark-colored peppered mothSearch images and print out2 same images of... Continue Reading →

Evaporating Salt from Saltwater

How to separate salt from water While we were learning about evaporation, we found some experiment ideas about separating salt from water. What We Used 1 tbsp Salt and 1/4 cup of Water (Mix them until the salt dissolved completely)Gravels (Optional)Aluminum baking tray (Any tray is OK but avoid white color. It will be hard... Continue Reading →

Marshmallow Engineering for Kids

STEM Hands-on Learning with Marshmallows https://youtu.be/y6FmrOS72EA How to Demonstrate Engineering Principles | Science Projects We got some mini marshmallows for hot chocolate. We got some extras left, so we tried this Hands-On Engineering activity. My son was in first grade back then, and he got very frustrated with the structure was too waggly and not... Continue Reading →

Conifer Trees: Science Activity with Kids

Evergreen trees that have cones! We were learning about the conifer tree. What is conifer? Are they all evergreen trees? I looked up the dictionary. It says, "Any of an order (Coniferales) of mostly evergreen trees and shrubs. Usually having needle-shaped or scalelike leaves and including forms with true cones and others with an arillate... Continue Reading →

Lego Volcano: Introducing Chemical Reaction

Baking soda and vinegar! Classic combo! Photo by Dimitry B on Unsplash Here is the classic chemical reaction activity many kids love! We put the small container in the center of the Lego volcano for adding baking soda and vinegar. We looked up volcano images on the internet and observed which Lego color we should... Continue Reading →

Strawberry DNA Extraction Activity

DNA from smashed strawberries? What? My son and I were reading the Biology book called 'Biology: Life as We Know It!', and there was a page explaining about DNA. He was interested in what DNA is, and he was making some DNA shape LEGO. I was not familiar with anything about DNA, but I started... Continue Reading →

Animal Habitats For Kids – Freshwater Habitat

What animals live in the freshwater habitat? After we learned about ocean habitat, we moved on to learning freshwater habitat. My son asked, "What is freshwater?" The water you are drinking is freshwater. According to the resource video we watched, freshwater is found in lakes, rivers, ponds, wetlands, and streams. Water does not contain a... Continue Reading →

Animal Habitats For Kids – Ocean Habitat

What animals live in the ocean habitat? Introducing water habitat to my six years old son was a little bit tricky. First, I needed to teach him what is the difference between saltwater and freshwater. He also didn't know the difference between which animals live in the ocean or fresh water, so we needed to... Continue Reading →

Animal and Plant Cells for Kids

Fun way to learn about cells with kids Learning Activity Ideas 1. Coloring The worksheet website "SUPERSTAR WORKSHEETS" has an excellent variety of science worksheets. Their plant and animal cells worksheets are free to download! Great for coloring and also as a reference! Superstar Worksheets (Animal Cell Worksheets) Superstar Worksheets (Plant Cell Worksheets) 2. Singing... Continue Reading →

What are boogers? (for kids)

You don't want to eat boogers in your nose. When my son turned 5, he started to curious about anything about the human body. Also, anything gross was hilarious for him (still is!), so when he saw this book 'Grossology' at the library, his eyes looked like he found the biggest jewel in the world.... Continue Reading →

Introducing Camouflage for Kids (Part 2)

Which color was hard to find? Why? According to a National Geographic article, camouflage is a defense mechanism or tactic that organisms use to disguise their appearance to mask their location, identity, and movement.  We did this fun camouflage art activity on Part 1 (Details) inspired by this website: "Learn About Animal Camouflage with Hidden... Continue Reading →

Introducing Camouflage for Kids (Part 1)

What is camouflage? According to a National Geographic article, camouflage is a defense mechanism or tactic that organisms use to disguise their appearance to mask their location, identity, and movement. How can I teach my son about this? I searched from Pinterest and randomly found a great website called "Frugal fun for BOYS AND GIRLS."... Continue Reading →

How to Make Bath Bombs with Kids

DIY bath bomb at home! My son loves to take a bath, especially soaking himself in the fizzy bathtub with a bath bomb. (I do too!) Fancy little guy! I found this excellent YouTube tutorial, and we tried! What We Used We watched this YouTube video. There were many bath bomb recipes and DIY videos... Continue Reading →

Sense of Taste – Taste and Guess Game for Kids

Taste and Smell: Does your taste come from your smell? My son was SUPER into the human body when he was in Kindergarten. We started homeschooling when he turned 1st grade, and we adapted anatomy with learning from his favorite book 'Human Body Theater.' While he learned about senses, we tried this tasting experiment for... Continue Reading →

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs: Experiment with Kids

How long does it take to get your perfect boiled egg? How do you like your egg? My son loves hardboiled eggs for his snacks. I like smooth, softer yolk, and my son loves super hardboiled well-done yolk. How long should we boil then? Let's try this experiment and find out how many minutes we... Continue Reading →

Animal Habitats For Kids: Grassland (Prairie)

Prairie We were learning about the grassland habitat, but we found out the savanna and the prairie are very different, even both are grassland. We studied them separately. What We Used Books and videos about the prairieAnimals in the prairie images from the internet or your drawingsColor pencils, crayons or markers for drawingLetter size paper... Continue Reading →

Animal Habitats For Kids: Grassland (Savanna)

Dry Season and Rainy Season We were learning about the grassland habitat, but we found out the savanna and the prairie are very different, even both are grassland. We studied them separately. What We Used Books and videos about the savannaAnimals in the savanna images from the internet or your drawingsColor pencils, crayons or markers... Continue Reading →

Animal Habitats For Kids: Temperate Forest

Temperate Forest We have visited the forest, so this habitat was the easiest for my son to picture what it looks like. We were fortunate to see deer while hiking in the forest. We also saw some squirrels and many birds. What you need Books and videos about the temperate forest habitatAnimals in the temperate... Continue Reading →

Animal Habitats For Kids: Rainforest (Tropical)

Introducing rainforest to my 1st-grader The hardest thing for me to teach my son about the habitats was letting him imagine or picture what kind of place it is. He was 6 years old, and he had never experienced a rainforest, so we needed to watch many videos to introduce what it looks like. What... Continue Reading →

Animal Habitats For Kids – Arctic / Polar / Tundra

Arctic habitat, Polar habitat, Tundra... Which name should we use for this icy habitat? It was confusing learning about it as Arctic habitat, while other references called it "Polar habitat," and still others called it "Tundra"... What you need Books and videos about the Arctic habitatAnimals in the Arctic habitat images from the internet or... Continue Reading →

Animal Habitats For Kids: Deserts

Introducing deserts to my 1st-grade son The hardest thing for me to teach my son about the habitats was letting him imagine or picture what kind of place it is. He was 6 years old, and he has never experienced deserts, so we needed to watch many videos to introduce what it looks like. What... Continue Reading →

Learning about the Human Body: Body Tracing

Fun Body Tracing Activity with kids "Real size of me!" My son was SUPER into anatomy (human body). After he read the book "Human Body Theater," his favorite activities were human body related. After we learned how our body works, we traced his shape and placed construction paper organs! What We Used Huge paper (We... Continue Reading →

How to Make a Rain Gauge

DIY Rain Gauge for Rain Measurement What is the rain gauge? The rain gauge is used to measure rainfall. We made it with a plastic bottle and set it outside. We will check it a week later to estimate how much rain we got!  What We Used Empty plastic bottleUtility knife (Please let the grown-up... Continue Reading →

Animal Movements for Kids: Card Game

How do animals move? Do they walk? Do they slither?  How do animals move from place to place? When we learned this topic, my son learned many new words related to movements. It was so much fun to learn how the animals move with imitating them! What We Used ScissorsThe printed PDF file below *Please... Continue Reading →

Fun Neighborhood Nature Scavenger Hunt for Kids

What do you see in our neighborhood? You can do a fun scavenger hunt in your back yard, or while taking a walk in your neighborhood. We did this activity in our back yard for the first time, and my son really liked it. Kids can practice observation skills too. You might be able to... Continue Reading →

Layers of the Earth Project for Kids

How to make a model of layers of the Earth with Play doh We learned about the layers of the Earth and made the model with play doh. It helped my son to understand the Earth's layers, and also it was exciting when we cut the Earth in half! What We Used Blue and green... Continue Reading →

Indoor Garden Ideas for Kids: Mung Bean Sprouts

Enjoy seeing how the seeds sprouting! We grew mung bean sprouts for the first time. Crunchy and refreshing, I love to cook them in soup or ramen! I did research the youtube tutorial videos first and seems like a straightforward process. I didn't want to buy extra stuff for this project, so I upcycled the... Continue Reading →

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