Strawberry DNA Extraction Activity

DNA from smashed strawberries? What? My son and I were reading the Biology book called 'Biology: Life as We Know It!', and there was a page explaining about DNA. He was interested in what DNA is, and he was making some DNA shape LEGO. I was not familiar with anything about DNA, but I started... Continue Reading →

Animal and Plant Cells for Kids

Fun way to learn about cells with kids Learning Activity Ideas 1. Coloring The worksheet website "SUPERSTAR WORKSHEETS" has an excellent variety of science worksheets. Their plant and animal cells worksheets are free to download! Great for coloring and also as a reference! Superstar Worksheets (Animal Cell Worksheets) Superstar Worksheets (Plant Cell Worksheets) 2. Singing... Continue Reading →

What are boogers? (for kids)

You don't want to eat boogers in your nose. When my son turned 5, he started to curious about anything about the human body. Also, anything gross was hilarious for him (still is!), so when he saw this book 'Grossology' at the library, his eyes looked like he found the biggest jewel in the world.... Continue Reading →

How to Make Bath Bombs with Kids

DIY bath bomb at home! My son loves to take a bath, especially soaking himself in the fizzy bathtub with a bath bomb. (I do too!) Fancy little guy! I found this excellent YouTube tutorial, and we tried! What We Used We watched this YouTube video. There were many bath bomb recipes and DIY videos... Continue Reading →

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs: Experiment with Kids

How long does it take to get your perfect boiled egg? How do you like your egg? My son loves hardboiled eggs for his snacks. I like smooth, softer yolk, and my son loves super hardboiled well-done yolk. How long should we boil then? Let's try this experiment and find out how many minutes we... Continue Reading →

Learning about the Human Body: Body Tracing

Fun Body Tracing Activity with kids "Real size of me!" My son was SUPER into anatomy (human body). After he read the book "Human Body Theater," his favorite activities were human body related. After we learned how our body works, we traced his shape and placed construction paper organs! What We Used Huge paper (We... Continue Reading →

How to Make a Rain Gauge

DIY Rain Gauge for Rain Measurement What is the rain gauge? The rain gauge is used to measure rainfall. We made it with a plastic bottle and set it outside. We will check it a week later to estimate how much rain we got!  What We Used Empty plastic bottleUtility knife (Please let the grown-up... Continue Reading →

Indoor Garden Ideas for Kids: Mung Bean Sprouts

Enjoy seeing how the seeds sprouting! We grew mung bean sprouts for the first time. Crunchy and refreshing, I love to cook them in soup or ramen! I did research the youtube tutorial videos first and seems like a straightforward process. I didn't want to buy extra stuff for this project, so I upcycled the... Continue Reading →

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