What are boogers? (for kids)

You don't want to eat boogers in your nose. When my son turned 5, he started to curious about anything about the human body. Also, anything gross was hilarious for him (still is!), so when he saw this book 'Grossology' at the library, his eyes looked like he found the biggest jewel in the world.... Continue Reading →

Sense of Taste – Taste and Guess Game for Kids

Taste and Smell: Does your taste come from your smell? My son was SUPER into the human body when he was in Kindergarten. We started homeschooling when he turned 1st grade, and we adapted anatomy with learning from his favorite book 'Human Body Theater.' While he learned about senses, we tried this tasting experiment for... Continue Reading →

Learning about the Human Body: Body Tracing

Fun Body Tracing Activity with kids "Real size of me!" My son was SUPER into anatomy (human body). After he read the book "Human Body Theater," his favorite activities were human body related. After we learned how our body works, we traced his shape and placed construction paper organs! What We Used Huge paper (We... Continue Reading →

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